Friday, June 29, 2012

Cooking Tips To Help Save You Time

It is important to be always learning new cooking skills, even if you're just cooking for family. A few secrets can turn a simple dish into a great dinner your friends will remember. Gather as many tips and suggestions as you can as a means to improve your cooking.

If your family is complaining about eating the same old corn day in and day out, change it up a little! One easy way to add unexpected flavor to corn is to mix it with coconut flakes for a taste of Thai.

It is important to properly care for your wooden cutting board. Your cutting board can split or warp if it is exposed to excessive moisture, heat, or extreme dryness. Never immerse the board in water, rather, sponge it off with warm, soapy water. To repair a damaged cutting board, use an oil designed to restore this type of board. Allow it to dry completely before using.

When you're trying to cook with an ingredient that's new to you, learn a little about it first. It takes only a short time to dig up some information on a new food, and you may come to learn that it's versatile enough to use in many of your dishes. Giving yourself more knowledge prior to cooking anything will go a long way towards improving the overall experience.

Whenever you are spicing up your meat, consider starting off with a small portion before you cook the whole piece. A lot of foods require you to season them carefully; for instance meatloaf, hamburgers or meatballs. Do not cook everything right after adding the seasoning. Cut a little piece of meat into a patty before cooking it thoroughly. Then, you could either cook it like that or add more seasonings accordingly.

You should always use cooking oil in exact measurements. If you measure the amount of cooking oil you use instead of just dumping some into a pan, you are far less likely to overdo it. By doing this, you will be able to clearly see how much oil you are using.

This will ensure that the fruit stays fresh for an entire year. This is also advantageous for those seasonal fruits that you can only find during certain growing seasons.

If you want to reheat a greasy dish, bake it again instead of making a mess in your microwave. Microwaving can cause oil to splatter. As the oil heats, it moves away from the rest of the ingredients in the dish, resulting in a mess. Baking will keep the ingredients more cohesive.

When your life is hectic and making dinner is difficult, try preparing some things in advance. Try preparing any required sauces, prepping vegetables, or marinating meats the evening before the meal will be cooked.

This will make you much more prepared, less stressed out, and ready to begin cooking the following day.
Rubbing stainless steel on your hands before you wash them can get rid of odors such as onions, fish and other strong ingredients. Whether you use the side of your sink, a spoon, or a ready-made stainless-steel "soap bar," this action removes the offending odor and keeps your hands fresh.

Use a meat thermometer to make sure that you are cooking your meats properly. Each meat has minimum internal temperatures that are recommended so that it is safe to eat. Bacteria thrive on meats, and unless the meat is properly and thoroughly cooked, these bacteria can remain and cause you sickness if consumed.
When making waffles and pancakes in batches for breakfast, you will want them to stay warm until it's time to eat. A 300 degree oven is an appropriate temperature. Keep the food on a plate in the oven so that it will stay warm.

Mushrooms will absorb the water like a sponge. So, in order to clean them, wipe off each mushroom with a clean, wet cloth.

If you've made sauce, you should place any that is leftover in an ice tray and freeze it. This way, the next time you want some sauce, all you need to do is saute it in a pan. Don't worry; the sauce will taste delicious after being frozen in an ice cube tray!

When you bite into really good tasting food, you get an overwhelming feeling of happiness. You are wrong if you think you have to have extensive training to be a good cook. Anyone interested in doing so can. Now stop reading and go spend some time in the kitchen!

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