Thursday, July 26, 2012

How You Can Become A Master Chef

If you're not an experienced cook, you might wonder where to start. Not everyone is born with the ability to cook. However, everyone can learn to be a great cook. If you want to be a better cook, there are some things you need to know. This article will provide you with many great tips that can help you move toward the right direction.

Replace your spices twice a year. Spices do not last forever. They will eventually lose their flavor. So, make sure that when you buy new spices go ahead and give half to either a friend or family member if you feel you aren't going to use all of it soon.

There are a few ways to heat tortillas. One way is to heat them up in a preheated, 350 degree oven. Place the tortillas right on the oven rack, and bake until crispy. Another way would be to use the top of your gas stove, then place the tortilla right on top of the grill over the flame. Using these cooking techniques will make for fresher and much tastier tortillas.

When cooking pumpkins, stand them upright and cut them halfway down the middle. Put each half, cut side down, on a separate baking sheet. Place a tiny bit of water on each sheet, then bake the pumpkin for about an hour at 350 degrees.

When cooking, wash dishes and tools as soon as you're done with them. Try keeping one side of the sink full of hot water with soap ready to wash dishes. The other should contain rinse water. Utensils that have been used recently, will be easier to clean if you leave them in this water.

When cooking different types of meat, always check the internal temperature with a meat thermometer. There is a minimum internal temperature to which a meat needs to be cooked so that it is safe to eat. Meat that has not been cooked sufficiently can have bacteria growing in it, and these can cause illness if eaten.

Choose the correct potatoes according to your recipe. There are three categories: mealy, waxy and all-purpose. Mealy potatoes are flavorful, crumble well and are ideal for mashing. This type of potato is most commonly purchased as a russet. A good all-purpose potato that can be used for many different potato dishes is the Yukon Gold. If you want to boil or steam your potatoes and have them retain their shape, pick up some waxy potatoes. Falling within the waxy category are standard white and red varieties.

Try partially frozen meat to make thin meat slicing easier. This is perfect for meals that require really thin meat such as Chinese or Thai dishes. Partially frozen meat is easier to slice as the cold temperature prevents the meat fibers from stretching and tearing. However, be sure to allow the meat strips to thaw before cooking them, for even cooking.

If you love using fresh basil, try growing it on your own to always have it on hand. Place several sprigs of fresh basil into a glass container. Add water to cover the stems. Keep on the kitchen counter so it'll be fresh for weeks! The basil may even start growing roots if you change out the water regularly. Trim or cut the basil periodically to provide for added growth so you can partake in some fresh basil for a while!

If you have decided to serve salad with the meal that you are preparing for guests, be sure to serve the salad dry and serve the dressing on the side. The amount dressing that people prefer on their salad varies so allow guests to add their own dressing. Get different kinds of dressings to leave them more choices.

Store unripened fruits in a plastic container that has holes in it. As the fruits ripen, ethylene gas is produced. When you store the fruit in a perforated bag, the ethylene gas can escape so that the natural decay process slows down. This allows your produce and fruits to stay fresh longer.

Do you feel bad when you throw away fruit that has gone bad? Is it possible to save the fruit by cutting the bad part out of it? It is not possible to save rotting fruit. After a certain point, the fruit may become moldy, though you may not be able to tell by looking at it. Consuming the fruit could make you very ill.

Decreasing the amount of oils that you are using when cooking is essential if you are interested in losing weight and eating a healthy diet. Adding unnecessary butter, oil and lard can increase your intake of fat. Nonstick cooking spray is a great alternative that will give you the same end result as the oils with less unhealthy ingredients.

Prepare as much as you can ahead of time. Some preparations can be done as much as two days in advance of the meal. In some cases, the longer preparation times can make some very flavorful creations in the end. Once you develop this habit, you may never go back.

If you know that you are going to have a busy day the next day, you may want to prepare some of the ingredients for the dish you will be preparing ahead of time. Chopping your vegetables in advance or putting together lasagna the night before will save a lot of time.

Many liquids are interchangeable within a recipe; try replacing the water or milk with something new. In place of water, try adding beef or chicken broth, juice or even water used to cook vegetables. If a recipe calls for milk, try using buttermilk, yogurt or sour cream. Using a variety of liquids can add a bit of zest to a favorite recipe and even make it more nutritious.

Different varieties of potatoes can have specific uses; you cannot always use one type in lieu of another. You can make potato salad with waxy potatoes, but you should use a different kind for fries or mashed potatoes. For those culinary exercises, you should use potatoes that are fluffy, such as Russets.

Use spices after cooking. Spices, such as garlic powder, salt, cayenne and pepper, are all wonderful seasonings. Taste in spice is as varied as the people tasting them. Don't add them while cooking; offer spices after you've made the meal so everyone can customize the taste for themselves. This way, everyone can adjust the flavor of their meals as they please.

Keep spices in a dark and cool place. Storing them out in the light and heat will cause them to lose some of their shelf life. Always keep your spices in a dark and cool location to extend their longevity. Meals prepared with fresher spices are simply more delicious.

It is vital for cooks to have their supplies organized when cooking. An unorganized kitchen is an unhappy kitchen. You will have difficulty finding what you want to make your delicious recipes. Put like items with other like items. Keep your herbs and spices together and follow this grouping rule with other supplies as well.

Most people do not have a natural talent for cooking but skills can be acquired with time and efforts. It really is not as hard as it seems. Take the knowledge you have gained here, and apply it to your cooking. Within no time, you will be whipping up one culinary masterpiece after another.

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