Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cooking: Tips, Tricks, And The Most Useful Advice

Cooking everyday can become boring if you only know to prepare a few different dishes. Liven up your meals and learn some new cooking techniques. Cooking is not only about preparing food, it is also about having fun and bonding with your family. Follow the advice below to spice up your love affair with food.

You should save some water from the pan in which you cooked the pasta so that you can add it to the pasta sauce later. Save about one quarter cup of this water. The water should be added to the sauce and pasta mixture. Through a process known as amalgamation, the starch in the pasta water creates a creamy texture in your sauce.

To make use of those ends of vegetables and bits of leftover meat sitting in your refrigerator, create a satisfying wok filled with homemade fried rice. You can use pre-cooked rice that is completely cooled and has been in the fridge for a day or so. If you don't have any, be sure to use a little less water to make fresh rice for stir frying. Fry your vegetables and meat in some oil. Once you've done this, add rice and any seasoning you want with garlic, ginger, soy sauce and other spices.

Fresh ways to prepare oysters. The most common way to eat oysters is raw with lemon juice, there are many alternatives. Crack open some oysters, leave them in their shells, place them on a broiling pan, and pour a little cream over them. Add a touch of Parmesan cheese and freshly grated pepper then broil it until it bubbles. You could also try sauteing the oysters. Coat oysters with some seasoned flour and saute in warm butter for a couple of minutes, until they are golden. Prepare oysters then bake inside their shells. Put them in a standard casserole dish, add a bit of butter and freshly-made breadcrumbs to every oyster, and allow them to bake for roughly five minutes in a 425 degree oven. Once the butter starts bubbling along with the juice from the oyster, remove from oven and serve them with toasted sliced bread.

It is better to sprinkle your seasoning little by little rather than putting it all on at the start. As such, you are getting the best flavor, and not wasting any of the seasoning.

When trying a new seasoning for your meat, season one small piece and sample prior to cooking the entire batch of meat. Items such as burgers, meatballs and other meat dishes need deliberate, specific seasoning. To ensure your seasoning is correct, do not cook all the mwat at one time. You should make a small patty first. Then, you can cook the rest of it, or adjust your seasonings as needed.

Use airtight containers to store baking mixes, sugar and flour. You can protect your food from bugs and keep them fresher using an airtight container. Airtight containers are available practically everywhere and are well worth their cost.

Make your own dried tomatoes. You can use Roma tomatoes cut lengthwise, or ripe tomatoes sliced about a half inch thick. Place them cut-side up on a rack that you use for cooling, and add a little salt. Heat your oven to 190 degrees and place the tomatoes inside for as long as ten hours. Put the bags of tomatoes in your freezer. You can store dried tomatoes in an olive oil filled jar. Add fresh herbs for seasoning. Refrigerate and use within 2 weeks.

Want to add more protein to your diet? Consider incorporating beans and tofu! You can find these ingredients easily and incorporate them to many different recipes. Tofu can be fried in a pan with just a few seasonings. It is a tasty and healthy meat alternative. Boiling the beans and then including them in a hearty vegetarian chili is also a wonderful dish for a cold winter night.

When cooking macaroni and cheese, you should follow the instructions to the letter. This allows the macaroni to come out just as delicious as it was intended to with the cheese melted perfectly over the noodles. Use a wide spoon to serve up the finished product. Add some pepper or other seasonings to the macaroni to liven it up.

If you are making a meal that requires garlic, buy fresh garlic or grow your own. Usually, fresh garlic has a sweeter taste. Truly fresh garlic will not be bruised, shriveled or overly soft.

When the insides of fresh fruits are exposed to air, they tend to turn brown. Bananas, pears, peaches, avocados and apples are some of the fruits that brown when sliced. You can use salt water and lemon to avoid browning, but for added flavor, when you have sliced the fruit, dip it in pineapple juice. As a rapid dip will suffice, you don't need to immerse the fruit.

Do you have trouble determining how long you should grill a piece of meat? A good quality, digital, meat thermometer is a good investment for your kitchen as it can tell you precisely the internal temperature of the meat, and this will let you know when it is cooked to perfection. Close the top of the grill to cook meat faster if you use meat that is more than 1.5 inches thick.

One very simple yet effective way to cook new and interesting foods is to simply change the spices and sauces that you use. Adding new spices or finding other sauces to marinate with can result in drastically different tastes. If you'd like to shop for new, exciting and non-traditional ingredients, visit your local foreign market or grocery store.

When you purchase fish and meat, buy it on the bone. Place bones in a large, heavy-duty freezer bag and place the bag inside the freezer so that it is ready when you need it.

You can't wait until the last minute to prepare a large meal. If you do, you'll be stressed out. Instead of panicking, do all the preparatory work a night or two before the big event is to occur. Cutting vegetables, marinating meat and mixing dips a day in advance will give you more time to enjoy your guests and decrease your stress level.

Simplify measurement of sticky foods with cooking oil! Just coat your measuring spoon with an oil that has a very mild flavor (Canola is a good option). When you use that spoon to pick up the sticky substance, it will slip off the spoon, and into your mixing bowl, with ease. This works well for peanut butter and honey, as well as other sticky foods.

Avoid adding salt and garlic to dried beans that have not yet softened. Salt and garlic can both cause your beans to stay hard instead of softening up, and this is even more likely to happen if you are using older beans. The texture of your dish will be enhanced if you use seasoning about halfway through the cooking process.

Include some salt in the water when you make pasta. This will allow the pasta to take on the seasoning more efficiently. If you try to salt the pasta after it is already cooked it will not hold the seasoning as well.

It is vital for cooks to have their supplies organized when cooking. An unorganized kitchen is an unhappy kitchen. You will have difficulty finding what you want to make your delicious recipes. Put like items with other like items. Keep your herbs and spices together and follow this grouping rule with other supplies as well.

With your improved outlook about cooking, this may be the beginning of a new favorite pastime for you. Cooking, of course, is delicious, but it can also be a great and fun way to learn about food. You can even learn about yourself, as you learn what you love to cook. While you culinary skill grow, you will probably enjoy cooking more, and you will not only find a fun new hobby, but your meals will have much better taste to enjoy.

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